SFNസാ​യാ​ഹ്ന ഫൌ​ണ്ടേ​ഷൻ
Romantic reading, an oil on panel painting by Silvestro Lega (1826-1895)

വിവിധ കാ​ല​ങ്ങ​ളിൽ സാ​യാ​ഹ്ന നട​ത്തിയ സെ​മി​നാ​റു​ക​ളി​ലെ പ്ര​ഭാ​ഷ​ണ​ങ്ങ​ളു​ടെ വി​ഡി​യോ പതി​പ്പു​ക​ളു​ടെ കണ്ണി​കൾ ഇവിടെ ലഭ്യ​മാ​ണു്. കൂ​ടാ​തെ ചില ഭാഷാ-​സാങ്കേതിക സെ​മി​നാ​റു​ക​ളിൽ പങ്കെ​ടു​ത്തു് സാ​യാ​ഹ്ന പ്ര​വർ​ത്ത​കർ നട​ത്തിയ പ്ര​ഭാ​ഷ​ണ​ങ്ങ​ളു​ടെ കണ്ണി​ക​ളും ഇവിടെ കാണാം. പ്ര​തി​ക​ര​ണ​ങ്ങൾ editors@sayahna.org-​ലേയ്ക്കു് ഇമെ​യി​ലാ​യി അയ​യ്ക്കുക.

സാ​യാ​ഹ്ന സെ​മി​നാർ 2023
TeX Users Group, 2023
TeX Users Group, 2022
TeX Users Group, 2021
TeX Users Group, 2020

Title: Video (ml: വി​ഡി​യോ).

Author(s): Sayahna Foundation.

First publication details: Sayahna Foundation; Trivandrum, Kerala; 2023-12-02.

Deafult language: ml, Malayalam.

Keywords: Videos, Literary talks, Literary criticism, Discussions, Open Access Publishing, Malayalalm, Sayahna Foundation, Free Software, XML.

Digital Publisher: Sayahna Foundation; JWRA 34, Jagthy; Trivandrum 695014; India.

Date: February 4, 2024.

Credits: The text of the original item is copyrighted to the author. The video cpaturing and editing were done by the Sayahna Foundation and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution By ShareAlike 4​.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4​.0). Any reuse of the material should credit the Sayahna Foundation and must be shared under the same terms.

Cover: Romantic reading, an oil on panel painting by Silvestro Lega (1826-1895) The image is taken from Wikimedia Commons and is gratefully acknowledged.

Production history: Editor: TS Rajesh.

Production notes: The entire document processing has been done in a computer running GNU/Linux operating system and TeX and friends. The PDF has been generated using XeLaTeX from TeXLive distribution 2021 using Ithal (ഇതൾ), an online framework for text formatting. The TEI (P5) encoded XML has been generated from the same LaTeX sources using LuaLaTeX. HTML version has been generated from XML using XSLT stylesheet (sfn-​tei-html.xsl) developed by CV Radhakrkishnan.

Fonts: The basefont used in PDF and HTML versions is RIT Rachana authored by KH Hussain, et al., and maintained by the Rachana Institute of Typography. The font used for Latin script is Linux Libertine developed by Phillip Poll.

Web site: Maintained by KV Rajeesh.

Download document sources in TEI encoded XML format.